Teaching Reading, Writing and Viewing in Stage 3

Erik Ford
8 min readOct 15, 2020
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash


The literary texts that I have chosen for Stage 3 students is Wonder by R. J. Palacio (2017) and Hooway for Wodney by Helen Lester (1999). Wonder is a children’s novel which tells the story of a boy named August Pullman, who has severe facial difference. August has never been to a mainstream school in his entire life. The novel follows August through the highs and lows of starting middle school for the first time, with the added difficulty of looking vastly different from his peers. The novel is narrated in the first-person from the points of view of August and Augusts’ family and friends. The novel is broken up into eight parts. The novel covers themes such as kindness, tolerance of difference, family, friendship, courage, bullying, coming of age and principles.

Hooway for Wodney follows the story of Rodney Rat, who cannot pronounce his r’s and is forced to call himself Wodney Wat. Rodney’s speech impediment makes him the target for bullies at school which forces Rodney to become quiet and withdrawn. Hooway for Wodney shares many of the same themes as Wondersuch as, courage, bullying and coming of age.

It is aim and objective of the NSW English K — 10 syllabus for students to “understand and use language effectively, appreciate, reflect on and enjoy the English language and to make meaning in…



Erik Ford

Post-graduate student at the University of Sydney, enrolled in the Master of Teaching (Primary) Program. I was previously an undergraduate at UWS enrolled in IR